Friday, September 26, 2008


It's difficult sometimes. You don't realize how much of your existence sits in the hands of all of those around you.

I'm reminded of the whole "if a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear" question.

Two points to make:
1. Anonymity that comes with such a large city gives you a sense of freedom, so much so that it feels like being dropped in the middle of the ocean.

2. When does a person not matter? Phrases like "I don't care what they think" and "Why should it matter to you?" bug me. With the whole "no [hu]man is an island" mentality, it's really difficult for me to imagine a world where people can just voluntarily shut others out of their lives in all matters of consideration. The ripple-effect doesn't just apply to throwing pebbles into water. It ain't that simple, honey.

BTW blogging is really becoming something far more than I would have imagined. I mean I know there are political, fashion, personal, and gossip blogs. It's like skittles, so many colors and flavors, you are sure to find one you'd like to bookmark and read up on regularly. Our Student AIDS Summit is looking into MTV having blogging stations for our students to blog about their experiences as the day goes on. Live blogging.

I guess I always imagined this to be something that someone did in a quiet room by themselves, maybe with a caffeinated drink at hand, and typing away at a desk. Not in the hustle and bustle of everything, mid-day and mid-contemplation. Then again, I am typing away mid-day, but it's Friday, cut me a little slack ok?

Monday, September 08, 2008

I'm BACK! (sort of)

So I'm in New York. A bit of a change from San Diego, to say the least.

I should be finishing up my readings before my first day of "Health and Medical Care", but I only have half a chapter left, so I think I'll finish before class.

There will soon be a better fleshed out post, but for now I think I should say 2 things:
1. Trying to get Mexican food out here was a bust. (I will update when I find something good)
2. I am going to the U.N. tomorrow for a symposium on the Social and Economic Dimensions of HIV/AIDS in Africa. Super excited!

Until I have a chance to take a breath (maybe Friday or Saturday), this post will have to do.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Moving around...

I'm moving to xanga because Blogger and the internet here in China are having issues. If there is anyone looking at this then visitmy xanga.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Romance in China

Ok so I've been bad and haven't really updated much. I will have internet in my room within the next couple of days. Classes have started, and I'm hoping that my method of working hard and playing hard won't end up killing me.

The title to my entry may be a bit misleading. The romance that I have found in China is not contained in a single person, but in the city as a whole. Although the typical culture shock is still a part of the experience. I have seen many sides, good and bad, of a culture very different from that of America. One city with so many faces and so many people. I hope to add more pictures and experiences to this blog as I continue my summer.

Friday, June 23, 2006


I've landed in Beijing and things are crazy so far. We've eaten good food and wandered around the city. I think I've sweat about a gallon of fluid, and this is a "good day".

We may be clubbing tonight, but I'm not too sure if I'll make it. Jet lag is definitely getting to me.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Jet Plane

I am so excited to go to China. I got myself a new camera and hope to take tons of pictures. Time to collect more memories and see new sights.

One thing I will definitely miss is San Diego's beautiful weather. Yep, aside from the beautiful people, the weather is definitely unbeatable in the summer time. This picture from two summers ago was taken at La Jolla shores, one of my favorite places to play in San Diego. But I hope I'll make up my lack of surfing and swimming when I get back.

Well, I guess I'm off to Beijing.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

